my way
Born in Poland, Grażyna has been creating in the USA and France for years. Already at the time of her arrival at the Rhode Island School of Design, her work found great recognition in the eyes of faculty members.
My works were exhibited in Soho, New York (first review Art Speak, December 1991), Panama City and Miami, Florida, Cumberland Rhode Island, Boston, New Haven, Lockport, Philadelphia, Seattle, Albuquerque, Colorado Springs, Redding, Sacramento, New Orleans, Vancouver, Montreal and San Antonio.
My works have also been featured numerous times at exhibitions in Palma de Mallorca, New Port, in Gdansk, Paris, St. Petersburg and Spiritus Sozio-kulturelles Zentrum, Greiswald, Germany, during the exhibition "The Lady Between The Lines". Later, in 2008, her works were at the "Artist to Artist" exhibition at the Alsteral Forum in Paris and at the "Bouddhism in Art" exhibition at the Hotel de Ville, in Paris. Recently, the paintings could be admired more often in Poland as exhibitions took place in Po-Prostu Art Bistro, Warsaw; Herosi Foundation's Charity Auction of Art Works in Kubicki Arkades; during joint exhibition at Rampa Club, Warsaw; Author's exhibition - Galeria Kartonovnia, Warsaw; exhibition and promotion of Krzysztof Pieczyński's book "House of Virgil" (on the cover «Creations»); Galeria Klatka, Warsaw; Dom Aktora, Gdańsk; Club Riviera, Gdynia; Cultural Center
And Art, Konin.
Grażyna's works are in private collections all over the world.
She is also the author of posters, illustrations and book covers, and her achievements include projects and production of clothing. Everyday she is the mother of two sons, and as Zen Master she ran the Kwan Um School of Zen in Paris, and she also ran the guesthouse in the center of the French capital. She published two books "Quand la fleur se fane, ou s'en va son parfum?" and "Vivre le Bouddhisme Zen".